F$@% Off

Sepp Blatter: You have been a screw up ever since you became the head of FIFA. During his 1st two elections into office, he had been accused of bribery and backroom dealings. Under Blatter, FIFA lost 100 million dollars. He has also made incredibly stupid remarks that would put FIFA under fire saying "women should where tight shorts and short cut shirts to attract male fans" as well as "racism can happen during the heat of the moment and should be settled by a handshake." Is this guy and absolute moron? How can we elect him for four straight terms. He skipped the 2006 World Cup podium celebration because of a disagreement with a referee, and he dismissed technological goal-line assistance. What a moron. Without goal-line assistance there will be even more controversial matches. So go f*$@ yourself Sepp Blatter.

Sandro Rosell: Just because you're the president of Barcelona, it doesn't mean that your opinion is right. 16 team Premier League? Seriously? The Premier League is the toughest league in the world and has been for over 20 years (and more if you count Football Division One). The league setup is perfect, if it degrades to 16 teams it'll be tougher for lower division teams to rise up. There would be no excitement. Also, you say Gareth Bale is worth less than 33 million. Are you idiotic?? Gareth Bale has been fantastic for Tottenham. I guess you forgot about his hat-trick against Inter Milan or how he tore apart Liverpool this year and even destroyed Arsenal (more-so when Sagna was out). Obviously your skills with rating a player are way off, seeing that you rated Cesc Fabregas at only 35 million and then afterwards stated he was worth 53 million. So go f*$% off Sandro Rosell.